Thursday, May 14, 2009

master of mischief

talan has become quite the maker of mischief. anything he can get into, he does. things he really shouldn't be able to get in to, he does.
we had to put childproof locks on the door handles and on the cabinets, something we never had to do with hayden. but pretty much the day we put those things on, talan figured out how to get into them. he very deliberately opens up the bathroom cabinet as far as it will go with the latch on it, puts his little finger in, pushes down on the latch and then opens the door the rest of the way.
he doesn't generally rip up books, but one day during nap he had a book in his crib with him. when i went in to get him, the book was torn into thousands of pieces that were scattered all over the room, there was some even under the mattress.
he has, several times, gotten into a box of crayons and colored on the couch, a book, toys, and just yesterday he used a red crayon as a pick on dave's guitar. and this was happening while he was sitting directly behind me.
he has ripped up scrapbook pages that mom made for us and he found sitting on a dresser. but he very sleathly took them, ran into his room, hid behind his rocking chair and tore them up there.
on an almost daily basis...usually several times a day...he dumps out every toy from 1 or 2 toys baskets and spreads them throughout the living room. he will then sit in the basket or put it over his head and try to walk around the house that way.
he has gotten onto a chair, opened up a canister, pulled out a sucker, unwrapped the sucker and then eaten the sucker. he has gone into his diaper bag and pulled out whatever snacks he can find. and several times he has gone into the pantry and pulled out whatever he wants to eat, finds a comfy place and sits and snacks.
he loves to take his pants off and most recently has found if he pulls hard enough, he can also rip his diaper off. he now at least knows pee and poop belong in the potty so when he pulled his diaper off the other week he kept saying "potty" however, when you got him anywhere close to the potty he would run away screaming as he wants nothing to do with sitting on it. he then runs into the bathroom saying potty and by the time i got in there, he had peed in the corner all over the scale. he then ran out while i was cleaning it and proceeded to pee in the corner of the living room.
then just the other day i noticed he pulled his pants off and he was running around. it was just about nap time so i eventually tackled him and laid him down to change his diaper before putting him to bed. as i laid him down and his shirt went up i saw that he had no diaper on. hayden ran into our room and yelled "yup! his diaper is in here!.....and he peed on your bed!!!! no poop though, just pee!"
he almost always finds something new to get into or do every day. i now have to take keys with me anytime i walk outside as he has locked me out of the house twice now.
he hasn't climbed out of his crib yet, but i'm sure that's next!

we went to a friends house for a mops play date and when i went upstairs to get him he had gotten into their markers and drawn all over the kids table, chairs and himself:

this was the day he went into the pantry and pulled out a box of cookies, opened them up and put them all on the speaker. then he went and grabbed the pretzels and cheez-its which he took out of the box and i then found him laying on the couch eating them looking at me saying "mmm! yum!":

after i cleaned it all up and walked out of the room, he went right back to the pantry, grabbed the cheez-its and found a new place to snack on them:

he has shown a tiny bit of interest in the potty recently so i brought up hayden's old one to see if he would sit on it. he is scared to death to even try sitting on the potty, but the other day he thought it would be fun to put it over his head. dave said these pictures will definitely be going on his graduation picture collage board:

Saturday, May 9, 2009

25 months

talan turned 25 months old today. i briefly thought about stopping these posts at age 2, but it just felt wrong not taking his picture with the bear. so we continue....
talan pretty much knows all of his letters now and tries to say the alphabet. he can repeat them all back to you really well and at the end will say "alphbet". he sometimes also tries singing it on his own, and you can almost always at least make out the "l, m, n, o, p" part.
he likes to count, but many times chooses to start at 3 instead of 1. he especially likes to count when he is playing with his little einstein's rocket toy.
talan LOVES to play outside. even more then hayden did/does. he could stay outside and play all day and nite. the other evening we were out there for awhile and it was about time for dinner. i knew he would have a fit if i said it was time to go in so i figured i'd give him a bath first. he would surely come in if i told him we were going in for a bath. it used to work for hayden. well, it didn't work for talan. not at first at least. he started yelling "ousiiide! ousiiide!" but eventually realized he really likes baths too, so that would be ok.
he loves bikes and points them out whenever he sees them. i went out the other weekend and bought him his own little tricycle that he can ride around on. he also loves to to tricks on he skateboard. you'll probably cringe if you ever see it, and one of these days he has to get hurt. but he loves it. he also just recently found out how much fun hayden's scooter is. i was planting flowers the other day and looked over to see him actually riding the scooter for quite a long distance. it was quite impressive. even hayden said "did you see that?! i saw him ride the scooter a really far way!"
he continues to love music and dancing and rocking out. ever since phee came over and played a bit on talan's drums, he now always says "phee!" every time he looks at his drums.
he came downstairs one evening while dave was playing the guitar and i guess he realized we actually have a real guitar here. so he now is constantly wanting me to open the case so he can strum it. which leads me to my next point.....
talan is the world's biggest mischief maker. as difficult as hayden was, he just didn't get into the things that talan does. every single day talan does something mischievous. one day he pulled out all of his clothes from all three of his dresser drawers. one day he got up on a chair, found a sucker, unwrapped it and ate it. one day he took the brand new scrapbook pages mom made for us, took them behind the chair in his room, and ripped them to shreds. he then led me right to it saying "uh oh. bad!" one day he opened the pantry door, took out a rubbermaid filled with cookies, opened those and took them all out, took out the pretzel container, and the cheez-its. he took them all out to the living room and then just sat down on the couch and ate as many cheez-its as he could before i could get to him. he has gotten into crayons and markers and has colored on couches, toys, and just yesterday he used a red crayon as a pick on dave's guitar. he has locked me out of the house twice now. he keeps us on our toes to say the least.
he switched classrooms at church and is now having a difficult time when we drop him off again. he usually tends to calm down, but we were called out one sunday when he wouldn't stop crying which then led to his cough really acting up.
he is talking a TON weather we can understand it or not...he's always talking. and you have to repeat what he said (if it's a real word) or he won't stop saying it.
he continues to go to bed between 7 and 8pm, depending on what time he gets up from his nap. he wakes up around 7 in the morning and goes down for nap at 1. he usually sleeps until 3:30 but sometimes is up at 3 and other times at 4. there are a handful of days that he refuses to fall asleep at all for nap. he generally goes down pretty easily, but there are nites he isn't so happy about it and will let you know. he wears a size 2t shirt and mostly 24 month/2t pants but still does wear some 18-24 month pants. we also just moved him to the size 5 diapers because he wakes up many mornings SOAKED. so far, so good.
he loves playing and being silly with hayden, especially at the dinner table. he loves baths. he loves bikes and playing outside. he loves swings. he loves donuts. he loves wearing his backpack around the house for long periods of time. he loves jumping on the bed. he loves suckers and all things sweet and not good for you. he loves making messes. he loves hiding when he has to poop. he loves the imagination movers, yo gabba gabba and the they might be giants here come the abc's movie. he loves to run and is faster than i am.
he hates the potty and is scared to death to sit on it. he hates having to come inside. he hates being told no, but his fits don't generally last that long. he hates sitting. he hates going to more then about 2 stores at a time. he hates when hayden tells him things that he doesn't want to hear and will point very sternly at hayden and yell "NO!". he hates being dropped off at his new class at church. he hates sitting to eat. he hates being cleaned up with a washcloth or wipes.
talan continues to be one of the funniest kids i've ever met. he is sweet and sassy all at the same time. he'll go from hitting hayden to saying "sorry" in the sweetest, kindest, softest voice you can imagine. he is our little rockstar/skater/athlete who seems to be able to do most anything he picks up right away. life is never dull with talan around.
we love you, t-money! happy 25 months!!!