today talan turned 31 months old. he continues to be mr. personality and loves for anyone and everyone to watch him.
he continues to add new words, and new phrases, to his every day vocabulary. many times he'll say something and i'll have to ask him to repeat it as i'm thinking...surely he did not just say what i think he said. and sure enough, it turns out he did say what i thought he said.
the other day he decided that saying "check this out, mom!" is far better than "watch this!" so you can now hear him all day long saying "check this out!" "hey guys, check this out!" or some other variation.
he was standing next to me the other day and i handed him something and i got a "thanks, pal." that was one of those moments i asked him to repeat it as i could not believe that is what he actually said. he never did really repeat it, but i was pretty sure he said it. then a few days later, i helped him out of the car and i heard it again "thanks, pal." and this time he did repeat it.
talan loves to color lately. it might not hold his attention for a really long time, but he asks almost every day to color. some days he doesn't even ask. he'll search out some crayons, markers, pens, pencils...whatever he can find, and color on anything. we have had crayon on the basement carpet, the living room rug, the couches, the toy box, the train table, toys, his clothes, himself, on toys at friends houses. ANYWHERE. i have decided i need to collect all of our writing utensils and throw out anything that doesn't say "washable."
we have been talking a lot recently about birthday parties. mostly because we are starting to figure out what we are going to do for hayden's birthday party. but we also already know that talan's 3rd birthday party will be yo gabba gabba. so for about a week, talan would not shut up about his birthday. he seemed to think everyday was his birthday and he would constantly question me as to where his yo gabba cake was. or where was his yo gabba party hat. when he would finally realize that TODAY was not his yo gabba gabba birthday he would then ask "tomorrow?" i think we have moved past this, and i'm going to try not to talk birthday talk around him anymore!
he still loves being outside. he loves skateboarding, either on a real skateboard or just pretending while he's inside. he loves to ride bikes with hayden. he loves playing hide and go seek with hayden even though he's really, really bad at it. if he's supposed to hide, he jumps out right when hayden says "here i come." if he's supposed to count, he doesn't. he loves motorcycles. he loves playing with cars. he loves candy and cookies. he loves raw pasta. he loves bath time. he loves "grandpa" which he almost always calls him now instead of "papa." he loves to be the center of attention. he loves max and ruby. he loves jumping on the bed.
he hates having his hair washed while in the bath that he loves. he hates being told no. he hates sitting for meals. he hates sitting in general. he hates going to the dr. with me and will cry when i have to lay down so we can listen to the babies heartbeat.
he continues to be a generally happy toddler but is all boy and is definitely 2 1/2. he has opinions and makes them known. he gets over his tantrums pretty quickly. he'll often times put himself in a timeout if we threaten one. other times he won't stay in his time out. he makes us laugh and love more than we ever thought possible.
we love you, t-money! happy 31 months!!!