talan cash turned 32 months today! with each month he becomes funnier as well as sassier. he continues to talk up a storm and loves to repeat anything he hears from you or the tv. and he remembers things that we have no idea how he can remember.
after only telling him once or twice, he now will tell you that his birthday is on april 9th. he probably has no idea what that even means, but he knows that's when it is. so anytime birthday talk comes up he is asking for his "april birthday cake?!" although april sounds more like aphral.
there has been a lot of christmas talk what with it being december and all, so anytime we go to a store and he sees christmas decorations he just points and says "christmas!" when we put our tree up "christmas!" instead of christmas tree.
talan has always gone through phases of waking up in the middle of the nite. even at 32 months, he still does it. it usually starts out with him being sick, so when he wakes up i typically go in to comfort him. and then in no time it's become a routine and he continues waking up crying which we then have to break again. it usually only takes about 2 nites of us ignoring him to break the cycle, but it's not an easy 2 nites. this past month he wasn't just crying, he was SCREAMING at us. "MAMA!!!" at the top of his lungs. dave went in to get him one nite and he continued screaming for me. he eventually started yelling "no dada! want mama!" and the next nite, before anyone even went in to get him, he started yelling "mama! mama! no dada, want mama!" it's good to be wanted, right?!
he has also gotten into the habit of saying he needs to go potty when he is supposed to be taking a nap. he has never actually gone on the toilet. and he usually only requests to try when he's supposed to be sleeping at nap time. i remember hayden pulling this as well and it's a fine line. do i encourage it and let him sit on the toilet in hopes of him actually one day going, or do i call his bluff and leave him to continue yelling in his crib in hopes of him actually taking a nap?! what to do. half of the time when i go in to get him he's telling me he has to "poop on the potty" however, the aroma of poop is already in the air. he hasn't quite realized that he already pooped in his diaper, opportunity missed.
i worked for about a week and a half this past month so every day talan went over to mom's house. he typically is really bad about going to sleep in a pack and play...hayden was always like this as well. i figured there would be no way he would actually take a nap there, but told mom she should put him down anyway, if anything, just to give herself a break! but apparently he slept great there every single day! he did, however, climb out of the pack and play twice. we are hoping this doesn't carry over to the crib at home!!!
the weather has gotten much cooler which means heavier jackets. i put a new jacket on talan one day and while riding in the car to mom's he kept trying to take it off as it was riding up and irritating his chin. i simply told him...no talan, that's your rockstar jacket. you look like a rockstar! and that ended it. he couldn't wait to go to mom's house and show it off to mom, jessica and justin. he still will go up to people when he is wearing it and say "rockstar jacket! i a rockstar!"
among the many things he says, i most often hear "i don't like it!" which usually just means "i don't WANT it." a phrase i am SURE he picked up from his big brother!! he can be eating something just fine but suddenly want to get down. so he'll turn on the sass and yell "i don't want it!"
his eating is so-so. it just depends on the day. he still loves almost all veggies and fruits, which is great. some days he'll eat almost nothing for lunch or dinner and other days he'll eat everything on his plate without a fight. he loves suckers and any other kind of candy, but if he's done eating, even a bribe for some candy won't get him to take another bite. if he won't eat his chicken, i can almost always get him to sit there and eat a whole plate of cucumbers, lettuce, blackberries or some other fruit or veggie.
talan is now wearing a size 3t pant and we don't even need to roll them up. however, they are usually pretty big in the waist, so if they don't have the drawstring waist they fall right off of him. many of hayden's old pants don't have that as it's a slightly newer thing so they are pretty much useless to us. he still wears many 2t shirts, but they are getting quite a bit shorter, so 3t shirts are a much better option. his feet are still giant and it is a struggle to simply get his sleeper feet over those things. it's insane.
talan loves to "play games", especially at grandma's house. playing games simply means he wants to take a game out, move the pieces around the board, put the game away and pull out another game. he has absolutely NO interest in actually sitting and learning how to play a game the correct way.
a new thing thrown into his rock and roll lifestyle has been the wahwah peddle. he will ask for songs with the wahwah peddle in it, run and grab his guitar and start tapping his foot telling us it's his "wahwah peddle."
talan continues to love music and can pick out most instruments in a song. he also is great at picking up on lyrics. he loves baba o'reilly by the who. he loves the movie toy story and watches it almost every day. he loves going to meijer. he loves running around the car once before getting into his seat. he loves playing with the corner of his blanket. he loves his binky's and sneaks them out from his crib or drawer or wherever else we might try to hide them. he loves candy and suckers. he loves going to the bank because he gets suckers. he loves playing his drums. he loves breakdancing in the living room. he loves to run around with hayden. he loves to show off his skateboard tricks in the living room. he loves to entertain people. he loves to pull dave's finger and make him fart. he loves puzzles and has really started to actually get how they go together. he loves grandpa and almost never calls him papa anymore. he loves going to grandma's house. he loves using his manners and does it all the time.
talan continues to hate sitting still. he hates having to sit for a meal. he hates breakfast and rarely eats anything but a poptart. he hates having to have his hair washed at bath time. he hates being told no. he hates being kept out of hayden's room. he hates taking naps, but usually does it anyway. he hates being put in his stroller when we go out.
talan makes our days that much more enjoyable and that much more crazy. hayden loves having him as a little brother...most days. and we love having him as our son. he's the funniest, funkiest toddler on the planet.
happy 32 months, t-money. we love you!!!