Thursday, May 20, 2010

the real deal

talan decided that a blow up guitar just wasn't good enough. so this evening, he and dave started rocking out...talan on drums and dave on guitar when he apparently wanted to switch things up. talan LOVED playing dave's guitar and he even played right handed!! guess we'll be having to get him a guitar soon....

Monday, May 17, 2010


today i heard a call from talan in the basement telling me he was stuck. i immediately knew where he was stuck so i brought my camera down. i was right.

Friday, May 7, 2010

when he's not drummin', he's guitarin'

most of the time talan doesn't want me taking pictures of him. but today, while taking a few pictures of london (imagine that!) talan told me to take some pictures of him playing his guitar.
he's got some hot moves and he just wanted me to take some pictures so he could then look at them.
and yes...he plays guitar left handed. everything else he does right handed, but he always has the guitar the opposite way.

3 year check up

we brought talan in to the dr. for his 3 year check-up and london in for her 2 month check-up today. i wasn't quite sure how it would go with me taking both of the little ones (mostly talan) to the dr. on my own, but thankfully dave left work early today and met us up at the dr.'s office.
talan actually did really well. he held onto our new little "tag-along" thing on the stroller the whole time we were walking, and he wasn't nearly as crazy as he normally can get in the office.
he stood up on the scale (but didn't want me to take his picture) and then was measured up against the wall. then we all headed back to the room where they both got undressed and waited for dr. newcombe to come in.
talan used to see dr. newcombe ALL the time between ear infections and his old man smoker's cough. but he hasn't had to be in to see her since his 2 year check-up! what a great year!
talan's tubes are still in his ears and he doesn't have any drainage. and everything else looks good and healthy as well.
he weighed in at 35 pounds which puts him at about the 80th% and was 38 1/2 inches which puts him at about the 75th%.
i thought he was a little tall as the pj's i just put on him the other day for the first time were floods.

the best shot i could get of him on the scale:
always a showmen:

london already knows he's crazy: