Thursday, January 17, 2008

9 month check up

talan went into the doctor for his 9 month check up on tuesday. surprisingly he looks and sounds very healthy. the doctor looked at the report we got from his cat scan and said that pretty much everything with it looks typical and normal for a dermoid cyst.
she said that his chest sounds nice and clear even though he still has his 90 year old man smokers cough. she once again stated it's something we just need to wait and see if he grows out of. she said some kids can be wheezy and have these coughs for the first year of life and then clear up and never have a problem again.
no shots were needed this time around and he doesn't need to go back in until after his first birthday (of course, i'm sure we'll be back in before that!)
talan now weighs in at 20 pounds 1 ounce which is in the 50th% and is 29 1/8th inches long which is in the 80th%.
he also is now the owner of 5 teeth. after getting his first two bottom teeth in MONTHS ago, he received the two top ones last week and then yet another bottom one this week. and boy are they sharp.

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