Saturday, February 9, 2008

10 months

today talan cash turns 10 months old. i can't believe that i'm already trying to get 1st birthday stuff together for him. how did it go so quickly?! he has been such a welcome addition to this family and loved from day one. we often wondered how hayden would do after having all of our attention for the past 4 years, but he welcomed him with open arms and when asked "are you glad talan came to live with us or do you want him to go back?" he has always answered "stay with us!" phew. it doesn't hurt that talan has been such a happy, laid back baby.
talan now has 7 teeth, 2 of which just broke through the gums this week. he really hasn't ever seemed to bothered by teeth coming in. he occasionally has had an explosive poop or a runny nose, but no real fussing goes along with it.
he eats like a champ but is a little less interested in real food most of the time. when we started introducing baby food he was slow to adjust. he much rathered his bottle. now, he doesn't take a whole lot of bottles but is slow to adjust to having to eat himself. i think he'd just rather someone do it all for him. he typically eats 8 ounces of formula in the morning, for lunch he'll eat a 6 oz. container of yogurt along with 2 or 3 containers of baby food and then will sit and eat some crackers or baby puffs. most days he'll drink another 6 ounces after his afternoon nap and then eat 4 more jars of baby food and some bits of pear or crackers or pasta...whatever is around that i think he might actually eat.
he is still taking 2 naps a day...yeahhhh 2 naps!!! he'll wake up sometime around 7am and then go down for his nap around 9:30. he wakes back up around 10:30 or 11 just in time to see hayden get home from school. he eats lunch around noon and then goes back down for another nap around 1 or 1:30. he typically wakes back up around 3, eats dinner around 6 and heads for bed around 8. many evenings he is tired before then so we've put him down earlier...that seems to work as he still wakes up at the same time in the morning.
he continues to mostly scoot on this stomach to crawl but he totally has the ability to crawl for real. i guess this kid just doesn't like change that much. within the past week he has been crawling on his knees more and more. most of the time he does it when he sees something that he wants to pull up on. so if he's across the room and knows that he's going to crawl to the couch to pull himself up, he'll crawl on his knees since he'll need to get up on them once he reaches it in order to pull himself up. this morning i was getting his bath ready while he was in his room and as soon as he heard the water going i heard him crawling right for the bathroom. he crawled on his knees from his bedroom to the bathroom door when he then decided to just scoot into the bathroom. but really, if you could slide yourself on your stomach, wouldn't you?!
this month he has grown to love pulling himself up onto things. the couch, the baby gates, the crib, my leg. the beginning of the month he would pull himself up and his feet would be way far from the object he had pulled up on. he really didn't like to take steps so he'd end up falling onto his face. by the end of the month he has realized it works out a lot better if he just takes a couple of steps closer to the object and then he won't fall over. he still won't really take steps if he's holding on to our hands or to walk himself across an object but he'll at least take those couple of steps so he doesn't fall onto his face.
he continues to babble more making all sorts of noises. "dadada's" and "mamama's" and dedede's" a bunch of things that don't make any sense. he also says "wow" and will sometimes say it back to us when we say it to him.
we have started teaching him some baby sign language. something i didn't do for hayden. i always thought that if you teach a kid that, they won't be that motivated to actually talk since they can communicate with you. i still kind of feel that way, but figure some communication is better than nothing. right now he mostly does the sign for "more" if prompted but it's basically him just clapping his hands. it's something though.
we have taught him "how big is talan" and when you say "SOOO big" he'll bring up both of his hands and cover his ears. i guess he realizes he's really not THAT big. maybe when he grows a little more he'll put the hands all the way up.
he seems to be quite efficient and should be able to multi-task extremely well later in life. if i pretend to call him on a phone and say "hello? hello talan" he'll simply move his head to the side and touch his ear to his shoulder. no hands. no reason to waste his hand by holding a phone when his ear and shoulder can do it.
he continues to love jumping. every morning before his nap he and i come to the basement so i can work out and he jumps in his jumper right along with me. if he's playing upstairs with his toys and starts to get fussy you usually can just put him in his exersaucer and he'll happy right up.
he loves to spit, as i posted pictures of just the other day. and he loves to have you move your finger up and down on his lips while he makes noises. the other day i guess he really wanted to do it so he started moving his mouth up and down on my leg while making his noises. i really have no other way to explain that....i'll just have to get it on video.
he hates to sit still which makes changing his diaper near impossible. he loves the cat, but the cat is usually not so thrilled about him. he's the best thing to come home to because the second you walk in the door he gives you a huge smile. he has the world's greatest laugh and he does it often, especially for hayden. he is way stronger than he should be. he loves to swing upside down. he loves to be thrown in the air. he still likes to eat fuzz. he loves to splash in the bath. he hates having to get his seatbelt on in his carseat, but once he's in it he's fine. he can play in his toy corner by himself for long extended periods of time. he is the greatest.
it will be interesting to see what this month holds but i want it all to slow down. we love you talan. happy 10 months!

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