Thursday, April 17, 2008

1 year pictures

i'm usually really neurotic about getting the boys in for their pictures on the actual date they turn x months old. this time around i had planned on getting talan's 1 year pictures taken on his birthday since i had gotten so much done for his party the day before. then my camera broke first thing in the morning and i realized i would end up dying from a heart attack if i tried to pack that in as well. too much stress.
he's had a cold and has had non stop snot pouring out of his nose so i decided i'd wait until that cleared up a bit. and here we are just over a week later and i finally went and had them taken. it was kind of a last minute thought. like...hey, when hayden gets home we'll run over and have them taken before i have to head back out with talan to get him his shots.
when we got there at 11:45, they told me they could get us in at 1pm. not what i was hoping for. but about 10 minutes later they paged us stating that the 12pm appointment didn't show. talan was in a great mood, but as usual, once the cameras came out he became mr. serious. not as much as his 9 month photos, but it took a bit of work to get him to crack even the tiniest of smiles.
they turned out great though.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those photos turned out so cute! Love 'em!!!!!