Friday, May 23, 2008

a new bed for nap time

the other day talan didn't take a morning nap. it happens sometimes. either he doesn't fall asleep or we run to a few stores and he misses it. then he'll just go down quicker for his 1pm nap.
so i feed the kids lunch and i come down to the basement to check emails or whatever. i had heard talan playing with the blinds and then a bit later it was completely silent up there. of course in the back of my head i'm thinking "what if he got ahold of the cord to the blinds and choked himself?" and then i stayed downstairs for a few minutes longer because let's be honest, if he had choked himself and was dead there wouldn't be anything i could do about it.
so when i finish with my emails i go upstairs and find that he is not dead, but he was unconscious:

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