Tuesday, September 30, 2008

sharks don't cry!!!

it's just about halloween time again which means i've been checking out costume's for a month now. i found this shark costume for talan and OBVIOUSLY that's the costume i would pick! it just arrived today so i thought i'd try it on him.

he didn't seem to mind it so much here:

but started to mind it a little bit here:
and then he really minded it here:

he does have a cold so i'm hoping a little bit of this fit was due to that. although i do think most of it was the fact i put some weird awkward thing on him and then took pictures while he tried pulling it off and then started crying. hopefully when he realizes he just gets to walk for miles on october 31st, he won't even remember he's wearing a costume. it worked for hayden.

1 comment:

Brickmyers said...

that shark costume is awesome. reminds me of the old SNL/chevy chase bit. super funny.