Tuesday, January 27, 2009

he's got his rock moves

talan is a rock star. he has loved music from pretty much the time that he was born. he has made up all of his rock moves pretty much by himself, maybe with a little help from a few fireflight shows. and talan just doesn't have one dance move like most kids. he dances differently to different types of music. and he is always dead on.
when we are down in the basement, talan usually has to bring a pair of drumsticks with him just in case. and when we turn the music on, he typically runs for a hockey stick and uses it as his guitar.
talan's newest thing is that he will get his hockey stick, come over to me and say "rock, rock." until i turn on some music so that he can rock out.
i was able to record a few of his moves. it's rare to get a recording because he typically wants to be watching others in the camera. but on this day, the music really hit him and he had no idea the camera was even there.

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