Saturday, July 18, 2009

best buds

talan just loves isaac gregg. after really only meeting him one time, he knew exactly who he was. they are several months apart so sometimes they aren't in the same class at church. they have once again reunited in the 2 year old class and talan is so happy to see isaac every sunday.
nancy was singing in the services this weekend so she asked if we could watch isaac for her on saturday. i was hanging out with the boys all day and dave was headed to dj a friends wedding reception so isaac came over to hang with us for the day.
talan and isaac got along great and at one point they gave each other about a 3 minute long hug. it would have gone on longer if talan had anything to say about it, but isaac was pretty much over it and wanted to get back to playing with the rocket.

i didn't think i'd have time to get my camera and get some pictures. i had no idea how long this hug would actually last:
talan showed no emotion while hugging. he was very serious about it all:

isaac looking longingly at all of the toys he wished he could start playing with again:

1 comment:

NancyJane said...

Haha! Aw, I LOVE this!!! I am so glad they are best buds...Isaac feels the same way about Talan, he asks about him all the time. Thanks again for watching him for me...I really appreciate it. :)