Friday, January 1, 2010

it's the cuteness that saves him

as i've reported many times, talan cash is a total mischief maker. he manages to get into anything and everything all the time. you can think you have put something away high enough but eventually you find out, no, you really didn't.
i never had to childproof our house with hayden. there were no childproof locks on doors or cabinets. he just didn't care about getting in to stuff like that. talan, on the other hand, is a totally different story. we had to put childproof locks on cabinets and doors by the time he was about 1 1/2 i'd guess. and the day i put them up, was the day he learned to get past them.
his new favorite thing is to move a kitchen table chair all around the kitchen in order to climb up and get to whatever he wants. he is always in the candy bowl leaving wrappers all over the floor and chocolate on his mouth as evidence.
so today i come into the kitchen to find him helping himself to some tortilla chips and dip. he thought he was so clever.

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