Tuesday, March 9, 2010

35 months

and yet another month has passed which brings us only 1 month away from talan turning 3 years old. it was surreal being in the hospital just days ago giving birth to london. it really does seem like talan was just born and now he's 35 months old today!
this month talan has continued to add new phrases to his vocabulary. usually very funny ones that we wonder where in the world he got it from. he listens to everything, even when you don't think he is, and then he'll repeat things at the most perfect of times. he says things like "what is going on here, mom?" and "what are you talking about?!" he's just adorable and he knows it.
this month he took a big step and is now sharing a room with hayden and sleeping in a big boy bed. we were planning on not moving him in to hayden's room until june when hayden got out of school. we figured they would end up keeping each other up till all hours of the nite. but hayden was off for february break so we decided to give it a try. if it didn't go well, we'd move him back to his room and do it in june. the first nite was amazing and they were both quiet and asleep in no time. same thing with the second nite. in fact, i don't think they've ever been in there talking for more than 5 minutes. it's amazing. we can't believe how well it worked out. and talan has only fallen out of the bed twice! he love's his new room and "bunk bed!"
since moving into hayden's room, talan has discovered a whole new bookshelf full of books. so far he has only taken them off the shelf once. and hopefully that will also be the last time! he loves to make a mess! but he has found a whole bunch of new books...mainly veggie tale books...that he loves. his favorite is "where's god when i'm scared?" and he's had us read it to him several times every day. he calls it his "god book." the book is based off of one of the video's so i sing the song to him and now he sings along with us. he has decided not to listen to the whole book, however, and ignores the part about god being with us and we don't need to be scared. so now, we'll ask him to go to his room and get us a diaper and he'll say "i can't. there's something big and hairy." which is a part of the song. or he'll just randomly ask me "mom? are those eyeballs in the closet?"
talan will also randomly tell me that he doesn't like someone. either someone he knows or just a character on a tv show. he usually says he doesn't like tina, but as soon as she comes over he'll tell her "i like you tina!" so that one is just a lie. but recently he has decided he doesn't like dawn, from fireflight. when asked why he'll simply say "i too shy for dawn." yeah, like he's shy.
this month he has also really taken to the name "uncle justin" and every time he talks about him he always adds the "uncle." it's super cute but i'm not sure why that started and why it's every single time. in fact, i think he actually says "MY uncle justin." yup, he still love justin.
he continues to have zero interest in potty training and i haven't pushed the issue. moving him into a big boy bed and having him share a room all before the baby came was enough for us. i figure we'll really start working on it after his birthday once things have settled down here a bit. half the time i still don't think he even gets it. he'll tell me he pooped when really he only peed. he has no idea what he's talking about. he'll sit on the toilet sometimes but he's never done anything on it.
talan continues to keep us on our toes at all times. he makes messes everywhere he can. his attitude has gotten way worse and his favorite word is "no" which is totally annoying. he fights with hayden all of the time...usually he's the one that is starting it. he's got the pesky little brother thing down!
talan is wearing mostly 3t clothes but wears some 4t shirts. he's in a size 5 diaper but probably could go to a 6...which means potty training is near!! he hates structured meals and has been eating less and less recently. he usually goes to bed between 7 and 8 with hayden and wakes up at 7 if not earlier. oh the joys of room sharing! he still takes a nap and goes down at 1, usually waking around 4 or so but some times it's much earlier!
he loves causing trouble, making hayden crazy. he loves playing with legos. he loves making a mess. he loves listening to music. he loves an audience. he loves his drums and guitar and microphone. he loves his new bed. he loves his binky's and blanket. he loves doing skateboard tricks. he loves his friend isaac and playing with the nursery worker joe at mops. he loves taking a bath. he loves max and ruby, yo gabba gabba, olivia, and many other shows. he loves reading books...when he wants to. he loves being outside. he loves fireflight's new album.
he hates sitting. he hates eating. he hates being told what to do. he hates water in his eyes during bathtime. he hates having his hair washed and we must only use a wash cloth...not a bucket or the shower head. he hates being buckled into a booster seat or high chair...and sometimes even his car seat. he hates listening. he hates being quiet. he hates not doing things for himself.
talan become more and more independent every single day. he continues to be a super funny kid that makes us laugh all the time...even when we should really be angry. we still like him a whole lot and wouldn't trade him (most days) for anything. i really can't believe he's going to be 3 in just 1 more month.
we love you so much t.c. happy 35 months!!!

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