Friday, April 9, 2010

talan cash officially turns 3 years old!!!

since we had talan's birthday party yesterday, dave and i were trying to think of something fun to do to celebrate talan's actual 3rd birthday. i went online and started looking up inflatable play places only to find that most of them didn't really have "open play" on a friday nite. then i lucked out and found one that was having a special event where we could go and have the boys jump for 3 hours and get pizza and pop for dinner! we figured it would be the perfect way for talan to spend his 3rd birthday!
dave came home from work a bit early and we all headed over to pump it up. the boys didn't even know where we were going and they were so excited when they walked in and saw the place.
they bounced non-stop from about 5:30-8 when we had to practically drag them out of there! i think it's safe to say they had a great time.
it was weird not having talan's party on his actual birthday, but it was also a bit nice being able to just relax and enjoy the day with him instead of running around trying to clean, make cakes and decorate before people got to the house! it was nice all of that was already done!
happy 3rd birthday, talan cash! hope you had a super extended birthday celebration!!!

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