Sunday, April 22, 2007

what talan's been up to

talan is still a totally chill baby. and we're loving it. the other nite we fed him at 11pm, went to bed a little after midnite and he didn't get up until 6:30. nice. here are some pictures of his life so far.

talan is thinking of going into modeling. what do you think?

yeah. he's pretty cute.

sick, i know, but talan is actually lifting his head at about a week old.

talan sneezed:

you don't think modeling is a good choice? how about if he becomes a luger?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

1 1/2 weeks

grandma gave hayden a teddy bear as soon as she found out i was pregnant. after he was born i would take his picture next to the teddy bear each month to show his growth. talan also got a teddy bear from grandma and here is his first picture with it at 1 1/2 weeks old:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

talan's first bath at home 4/14/07

trying to one up his brother, talan shed his umbilical cord in 4 days. because of that we were able to skip the sponge bath and dunk him in the tub. the baby bathtub sprung a leak, so we just used the puke bucket that they gave us in the hospital. in many of the bath pictures, it appears that talan didn't like his bath. that really isn't the case. he was cool with it, but towards the end, he'd had enough. he is super strong and quite slippery, so it was pretty hard holding onto him by myself while dave videotaped and took pictures. i only nearly let him drown twice though.

staring at the beautiful flowers that ledco sent us to keep his mind off what what in the world his mother was doing to him:

hayden helping out:

getting angry:

bathtime- over. crazy hair- just begun.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

lab results

i took talan to the lab yesterday to have more blood drawn to check for the jaundice levels. this time seemed to go a little quicker, but he was awake and crying a little more this time around. around 11:30 they called and said that his levels were starting to go down so we didn't need to worry about it anymore. the nurse told me earlier that his score was a 10.0 which i guess was wrong. this nurse said that it was really a 10.8 the other day and yesterday was down to a 10.1. so i guess he had peaked and now it's going back down.
sleep has been ok. he seems to stay awake after his later feeding which means we haven't been heading to bed until 1 or 2am. at that point he sleeps until about 5:30 and then sleeps until 9 or 10. it's going to be tough when i start driving hayden to school and i have to get 3 of us ready to go by 8am. but we'll adjust, i suppose.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

talan's first day home

talan and cousin rainah (3 months) shortly after talan arrived home on april 10th:

hayden welcoming talan home:

dave and talan chilling:
(i actually just wrote dave and hayden. i can hardly tell the difference)

look how smart he is. already holding his own binky:

the first dr. appointment

we all left the house today for the first time since we came home from the hospital. talan had a dr. appointment and then we took him to dave's work to show him off. the dr. visit went well. the dr. commented on how strong he is. yup. they always said that about hayden too. you can hardly hold his legs down when you're changing his diaper. it's crazy the strength he has. the only problem was that he was a little yellowed so they sent us to the lab for a blood test.
as with hayden, talan clots super fast. so they poke him and then have to squeeze his foot to get a couple of drops of blood out. he cried a couple of times while they were squeezing, which lasted close to 5 minutes i'd say, but pretty much just slept through it all. another common trait with hayden. tough, strong boys.
we got home and there was a message that they want us to repeat the blood test. i have to call them tomorrow to find out more, so we'll see. i know it's not too bad because it's not like he's that yellow. it could be they didn't get enough blood. who knows. just hate to have to put him through another blood squeezing session.
nites 2 and 3 here at home have been much better than nite 1. mom bought us a swaddle me blanket which i will now tell everyone to get. with hayden, he moved around so much, even in his sleep, that he loved the freedom. turns out, talan does not. he likes being wrapped up tight. so our nites have been filled with a little more sleep.
he is still a SUPER chill baby. he is so laid back and hardly ever cries. he really only cries when he's being changed and when he's getting really hungry. otherwise, he'll just lay there and look around not making a noise. he has been so good and we're hoping he keeps this demeanor. we certainly deserve a baby like this if i do say so myself.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

first nite home

last nite was our first nite home as a family of 4. after talan slept through both nites in the hospital and hardly ever cried, i was hoping for the best. i was excited to finally be able to sleep in my own bed and on my stomach. talan had other plans. it was a rough nite. i was up with him from about 1:40am-3:40am until i finally passed him off to dave. he didn't want to be laid down to sleep. he'd fall asleep in my arms but then cry shortly after lying him down in his bassinet. he wasn't at all like that in the hospital.
of course, since i had to get up with hayden, talan decided that would be the perfect time to sleep. i knew things could change after leaving the hospital, but we hoped for the best. it was just the first nite, so we'll continue to hold on to some hope. and i'll run out and get the duct tape to keep the binky in his mouth.