Saturday, April 14, 2007

the first dr. appointment

we all left the house today for the first time since we came home from the hospital. talan had a dr. appointment and then we took him to dave's work to show him off. the dr. visit went well. the dr. commented on how strong he is. yup. they always said that about hayden too. you can hardly hold his legs down when you're changing his diaper. it's crazy the strength he has. the only problem was that he was a little yellowed so they sent us to the lab for a blood test.
as with hayden, talan clots super fast. so they poke him and then have to squeeze his foot to get a couple of drops of blood out. he cried a couple of times while they were squeezing, which lasted close to 5 minutes i'd say, but pretty much just slept through it all. another common trait with hayden. tough, strong boys.
we got home and there was a message that they want us to repeat the blood test. i have to call them tomorrow to find out more, so we'll see. i know it's not too bad because it's not like he's that yellow. it could be they didn't get enough blood. who knows. just hate to have to put him through another blood squeezing session.
nites 2 and 3 here at home have been much better than nite 1. mom bought us a swaddle me blanket which i will now tell everyone to get. with hayden, he moved around so much, even in his sleep, that he loved the freedom. turns out, talan does not. he likes being wrapped up tight. so our nites have been filled with a little more sleep.
he is still a SUPER chill baby. he is so laid back and hardly ever cries. he really only cries when he's being changed and when he's getting really hungry. otherwise, he'll just lay there and look around not making a noise. he has been so good and we're hoping he keeps this demeanor. we certainly deserve a baby like this if i do say so myself.

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