Wednesday, April 18, 2007

talan's first bath at home 4/14/07

trying to one up his brother, talan shed his umbilical cord in 4 days. because of that we were able to skip the sponge bath and dunk him in the tub. the baby bathtub sprung a leak, so we just used the puke bucket that they gave us in the hospital. in many of the bath pictures, it appears that talan didn't like his bath. that really isn't the case. he was cool with it, but towards the end, he'd had enough. he is super strong and quite slippery, so it was pretty hard holding onto him by myself while dave videotaped and took pictures. i only nearly let him drown twice though.

staring at the beautiful flowers that ledco sent us to keep his mind off what what in the world his mother was doing to him:

hayden helping out:

getting angry:

bathtime- over. crazy hair- just begun.

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