Tuesday, May 1, 2007

update with no pictures

i planned on posting awhile ago. with photos. but dave's laptop totally crapped out, to a point that we thought we lost all of the photos on it. which would mean ALL of our talan photos. i think that the IT guy at his work has recovered them, thankfully. man, i hate computers. but anyway, the computer is still being worked on so i have no pictures to post today.
i took talan to the dr. for his 2 week check up last tuesday. the dr. walked in and said "now THAT is a weight gain!" after taking him in 4 days after birth he was 7 pounds 2 ounces. only 1 ounce away from his birth weight. a week and a half later he weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces. he cries because he's hungry, i try to hold him off since he just ate 1 1/2 hours ago, he cries harder, i feed him, he's happy and he grows. who knows what he weighs now, a week later! we take him back in at 2 months.
he has become a bit fussier than he had been. it seems he's gotten a fussy time at nite, like most babies do. usually around 9 or 10 before his last bottle. i recently read several things that said colic usually starts at around 3 weeks. so every time he cries a part of me panics. i CANNOT go through that again! but so far, it seems ok. just typical baby crying stuff.
he's still really strong. when we put him on his stomach he lifts his head for quite awhile and then has even lifted his entire lower half and held it there.
hayden is still really sweet with him. when talan cries, hayden runs right over to shove a binky in his mouth. he'll pat him and say, "it's ok, talan." then he yells "mom...i think talan is hungry!"
so things are going well. i'm pretty much used to the schedule already and it's not too difficult. i don't feel that we are losing tons of sleep, although, i'm still tired quite often. but then again, i've always loved my naps.
so. once i get that computer back, i'll post some more pictures of 'ol fatso.

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