Tuesday, May 22, 2007

we're home

so i have to say that so far, talan is the only person in this family that is taking this "year of the illness and injury" seriously. he's what caused us to use up our high deductible, and now he's making sure we get all the free medical attention that we can get before the year ends.
as you may or may not recall, i took talan in last week to the dr. due to a cold. i was told to watch him closely but that everything was fine for the time being. so sunday evening everything was normal. talan still had his smokers cough, but everyone that has come down with this cold has it. so i wasn't too concerned. i fed him at about 10:30 and put him to bed with no problem. at about 3am, he woke up. i found it a little odd that he woke up that early when he had just had 6 ounces at 10:30...but i fixed a bottle anyway. i went into his room and picked him up. i started to feed him, but the whole time, his eyes were closed. he only took about an ounce or two and seemed to be sleeping. so i put him in his crib. he immediately started screaming. i picked him up. eyes closed, and quiet. i put him down. he screamed. this went on for quite some time. i was annoyed, tired and getting more and more frustrated with him. i finally held him long enough that when i put him down, he stayed quiet. i finally got back to bed 40 minutes later.
at around 5:30am, he woke up again. dave went in to get him this time. same thing happened. his eyes stayed closed the whole time, but every time dave put him down, he screamed. dave finally brought him into bed with us just so we could get a little more sleep before we all had to get up. even laying next to us, with our arms around him, he still screamed. dave held him and lost more sleep, until he finally put him in his swing. morning time came and it was more of the same. he wouldn't eat and screamed every time i put him down. i called the dr. to make an appointment as i just knew something wasn't right. i packed 2 bottles thinking we'd be gone for an hour or 2 between the dr. and picking hayden up at school. haha.
the dr. overheard his cough from the hallway and saw our name on the chart and came right in. she said he sounded like a 90 year old smoker. she gave him a breathing treatment and told us to go downstairs for a chest x-ray. he didn't like either. of course, while getting the breathing treatment he finally decided he wanted to eat. so i start to feed him when we were waiting for the x-ray. they call us in 1/2 way through the bottle. they then proceed to stick him into a little tube where i had to hold his arms way up in the air while the rest of him was inside of this tube. i just pictured them shooting him up through the air to the next bank teller. he screamed the whole time.
so we go back upstairs and they check his oxygen levels while reviewing the x-ray. the levels were low and there was a spot on the x-ray that indicated either pneumonia or just some mucus that needed to be broken up. because of his age, the decided to just send him to the er downstairs and then have us admitted to the hospital in southfield. we were in the er for awhile getting oxygen and antibiotics and then the ambulance guys came to take us for a ride. my first one. it was nice being conscious for it. talan slept the whole time.
so basically, we stayed in the hospital overnite while they watched him and gave him antibiotics. he did really well. he lost his iv twice so they had to put it back in, which he liked even less than being put in the bank teller tube. after it fell out the second time, they just decided to give him the medicine orally. he would have slept great through the nite, but the nurses decided to come in and wake us up every 2 1/2 hours. then i'd have to feed him, and try to get him back to sleep again. real nice. come in while he's sleeping, wake him up and leave me to put it all back together again. what do they care?! they have to stay awake all nite anyway.
this morning the dr. came in just before 8am and told us that they would release us that morning since his levels had stayed up and he hadn't even needed oxygen the whole time we were there. basically, they weren't doing anything for him that i couldn't do for him at home. so they gave me a prescription, got us our paperwork, and sent us home with instructions to see our dr. in 2 days.
the smokers cough is still there, but other than that, he's great. he really is a great baby. he basically slept the whole time in the hopsital, and when he wasn't sleeping he was still as content as ever. we are sure are enjoying this change of pace.
here are some pictures of our fun day yesterday. way to milk the system talan!

all hooked up:
talan and his "lobster claw" that was supposed to hold the iv in. which didn't:
as if the lobster claw wasn't embarassing enough, they put him in a PINK gown. the gown said "SOOOOOO big." so i guess talan was just playing along:
talan awake:
talan sleeping:

what a difference 6 weeks make. 6 weeks ago, he was in the same bassinet. when we put him in it yesterday, i couldn't believe how much bigger he looked.

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