Saturday, June 9, 2007

2 months

we go in for talan's 2 month check-up on tuesday, so we'll keep you posted with the official stats. we put him in the old scale the other nite and it appears as though he's about 12.5 pounds.
talan continues to be a happy and easygoing baby. i never used to know what those words even meant. after being fed, talan is his happiest. he'll lay on the floor and just smile and kick and coo before deciding it's time to fall asleep again. he's awake quite a bit more these days, but still sleeps quite a good deal. he's moving around more and his movements are becoming a bit quicker instead of the super slow turtle movements. he's trying to catch up with hayden already what with rolling over at 8 weeks and all. about the only complaint we have with him is his sleep during the day. he will usually sleep most of the afternoon. but only in his swing. he hates to be laid down anywhere. crib, floor, couch. and if he's asleep in your arms and you lay him down, he'll wake up almost immediately. at nite we still swaddle him to keep everything close to him so limbs don't start flailing and wake him up as they do during the day. it seems to work as he goes down around 10:30-11pm and usually doesn't get up until 5-7am. i'll deal with only being able to put him to sleep by swaddling or swing though. he's a champ.
happy 2 month birthday, talan!

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