Monday, June 4, 2007

my little overachiever

so talan decided to step it up a few notches this evening. i put him on his back under his play gym and after awhile decided to give him some "tummy time" to strengthen his neck muscles even more than they already are. he wasn't on his stomach too long when he started rolling onto his side. i've seen this before. babies roll onto their sides. but he seemed to keep going. i almost grabbed the video camera but decided not to thinking how insane it was to even think that an 8 week old would roll over. soon after i had that thought, he did it. he rolled over. i grabbed the video camera and put him back on his stomach. he did it again. this time i got it on video. we tried for a third time but he was too tired and frustrated. so i gave him a break. then i decided i would lay him on his stomach to simply snap a few shots to post on my blog. figuring there would be no more rolling over, but at least you could see a picture of how he started. as i started taking the pictures, he started rolling over. in fact, he rolled over this evening a total of 6 times. 3 of which were caught on video tape and about 2 on my camera. hayden rolled over for the first time at exactly 3 months. and i thought that was early. not to be outdone, talan decided to raise the bar and roll over a day shy of his 8 week birthday. every dr. that has ever seen hayden or talan has told us how incredibly strong they are. we have decided it must be from growing in my womb of rage. i know you don't believe me. here's the photo proof. and if you don't believe that, maybe one day i'll learn how to upload a video onto this thing. way to go talan!

this is annoying:
maybe i can just move my head to the side so i can actually breathe
maybe a little more:
while i'm at it, i think i'll just roll all the way over. mom certainly won't do it for me:

that's right. THAT JUST HAPPENED:


stephen joseph said...

Shake and Bake!

Gram C said...

I am not surprised!! You have 2 super boys, and by all means keep the camera's handy. In years to come you will be able to look at these, and enjoy the memories. You are truly blessed!!
Gram C