Wednesday, July 2, 2008

he doesn't like to sit

for years we've wondered how people are able to take their babies/children anywhere where they need to sit and be quite. hayden was NEVER that kid. we took him to his first wedding last august and even then we sat in the very back row and i packed tons of snacks, coloring books, mazes, etc. and we also bribed him, i'm sure.
when talan was born we were able to understand what parents of "normal" children are actually able to do. talan was calm as could be and would happily (and quietly) sit with you for pretty much as long as you wanted.
oh how things have changed.
taking after his big brother, talan now hates to sit still. quite a bit different than how we thought he'd turn out. when people see him them comment on how much energy he has. but really, as parents, it's all we've ever known. now that he can get around, he never wants to stay in one place for long. and that includes while he's eating.
he really would rather just walk around and eat, but sometimes we actually force him to sit in his high chair to eat with the rest of us. we recently have started strapping him down, but that just means he twists, turns, groans and yells trying to get free.
if i leave the room i'll hear hayden warning me "talan's starting to stand up again!" and i'll come in to find this:
oh yeah, and did i mention that he thinks it's hilarious?!

(his shirt is soaked simply because he's been one big walking drool machine. every shirt has looked like this for a week now.)

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