on july 10th i took talan to the dr. for his 15 month check-up. when we got there he, of course, wanted to get out of his stroller to play with the toys. while he was playing with the toys i was called to the window and was asked to sign some paper about his immunizations. right there i asked...he needs shots this time? and was told the dr. would look at it and make sure. i didn't really think any more about it.
suddenly, talan starts crying and i assume it's because he can't see me. when he comes walking over to me (the lady i was talking to at the window didn't seem to really want to let me go get him as she HAD to have her paper signed) i realized his lip was bleeding. oh well, at least we were at the dr.
so we're called into the room. after the nurse comes in to weigh talan and such, she leaves and hayden turns on his mp3 player. suddenly, the two of them are dancing around the room and never did stop until we left (or until talan had to get his shots, actually.) the dr. was pretty amused. she knows us well by this point so she understands the endless energy that travels with us.
one of the first things the dr. did (as most dr.'s do at any checkup) was to look in his ears. and right away she said "oh no." yup, that's right. talan has another ear infection. because he has now had at least 4, and especially having this one in the summer when he shouldn't be getting any, we were told we need to make an appointment with the ent. she gave us the name and number of a dr. that she likes the most because unlike most ent's, he doesn't just say "oh, this is his fourth ear infection, he must have tubes" he actually looks at the ear and decides what would be best. and sometimes that means not getting tubes at this very moment.
she asked us to set the appointment up in two weeks so that his ear infection would be all cleared up. we now have an appointment with dr. stone on july 30th so we'll keep you posted on that situation.
talan's cough has not gone away, by any means, and on top of that he's been snotty for the past 2 weeks. i mean nonstop snot running out of this kids nose. usually when she listens to him, despite the horrendous cough, he ends up sounding perfectly clear inside. this time, not so much. he was wheezing quite a bit and she said it wasn't clear inside this time around. so she then prescribed us the ear infection medication, some new sort of allegra and a new kind of singular trying to clear up his snot/cough/wheeze. she also told us to start giving him his breathing treatments again. so that's 4-5 different medications this kid is now getting.
yes, we did simply go in for his 15 month CHECK-UP, not an sick visit.
so the dr. FINALLY leaves and tells us to wait for the nurse to come in and give talan his 3 shots. the boys continue to dance around the room.
the nurse comes in and gives him one shot in the arm and then 1 on each leg. he cries for a few and then continues to cry, but mostly because he's so offended by it. she hands us our 14 prescriptions and we are on our way. after leaving the office i remember thinking...crap, i forgot to give the dr. talan's immunization card so she could document the shots he had gotten. oh well, the next time we're in i'll have her do it.
talan weighed in at 23 pounds 11 ounces which puts him in the 25-50%. he was 31 inches long which put him in the 50%.
right now he is wearing 12-18 month clothes but does wear quite a few 18-24 month as well. although the shorts the other day looked more like shants....but that's alright, cuz i love shants.
he is in a size 3 diaper although could wear a size 4, but why if the size 3 still fits him alright? they just give you less diapers for the same price.
so on monday, i believe it was, a nurse called and left us a message. when i called her back she said she needed to talk to me about the shots talan had gotten. she asked if i had given our immunization card to the dr. i told her i didn't and that i realized it after the fact. she said the the dr. had thought she had asked for it, but apparently not. turns out, talan already had gotten the 3 shots they gave him the other month. i took him into the immunization clinic and they had taken care of them all. when they were putting the immunizations into the main system it showed up that he had already gotten them.
the extra shots will not hurt him in any way, but they also won't count towards the ones he will need in the future because they were only a couple months apart. and the fact that we had to pay $17 per shot that we didn't need. and of course, his discomfort.
so our 15 month check up was quite the adventure. now here's some pictures of the dancing.
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