Saturday, August 18, 2007

4 month check up

talan went in to the dr. on tuesday for his 4 month check up. he weighed 15 pounds, 4 ounces which puts him in the 60th% and he was 25 5/8" which puts him in the 75%. both the dr. and the nurse commented on how active and strong he was for his age. we were told we could go ahead and start him on cereal and after he takes that for a couple of weeks we can move him on to vegetables. so i'll start the cereal feeding once i have someone around for camera and video help!
we were told back at his 2 month appointment that the right side of his head was flat. for whatever reason, he only ever laid on his right side. so we had to prop him up on his left side when he would fall asleep. she had said if it wasn't any better, he might need physical therapy. lately, he has been laying on his left side all by himself, so i was hoping the problem was gone. she told me that it is far less flat now and she's not really worried about it anymore.
i was fully expecting her to tell us that he had an ear infection or something. i mean really, how have we not been to the dr. in 2 months and then her tell us he's healthy?! but that's just what happened. his ears and everything else looks great. he still has a horrible cough and sounds like a barking seal though. she had said that there is a possibility that he could end up being slightly asthmatic, especially since he had the respiratory problem so early on. he could just end up having coughing fits, especially when he gets sick, and with asthma treatment it would stop. but she did say he sounds perfectly clear inside so that's one reason she doesn't necessarily think it's that. he coughs every day, but it is only once or twice. he doesn't end up going into full coughing fits with it. so we're still keeping an eye on it. i'm not worried about it at all, it just sounds awful to hear a 4 month old cough like that.
he ended up getting 3 shots and took them fairly well. he didn't cry after the first poke, but cried for the 2nd and 3rd. just for a bit, then he stopped and then started back up again for drama sake. he was also really tired since he had missed his morning nap. he ended up sleeping all day and then in the evening was super hot with a fever. he seemed to be a little out of sorts the next day, but not too bad.
other than that, everything is great. we go back in 2 months as long as he continues to stay healthy! we'll get the pictures up of his first feeding as soon as we actually give him his first feeding!

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