Thursday, August 9, 2007

4 months

4 months old already. we go in to the dr. for his 4 month check up next tuesday so we'll once again update you on the official stats as soon as they come in. talan is still a really happy baby. when he was really little we commented many times on how serious he was. we wondered how he would ever survive in a family that is as far from serious as you can get. but it seems as though he seriousness is subsiding. he smiles all of the time. you just have to look at him and he'll smile at you. he especially likes hayden. hayden can just be playing across the room, not even paying attention to talan, and talan will just start to laugh. he still usually only cries when he's hungry and overly tired. the rest of the time he's either sleeping, smiling or just hanging out quietly. he continues to talk more and more each week. before he mostly made high pitched squeaking noises but recently started growling a bit more. he also loves to blow spit bubbles which doesn't help our cause in telling hayden NOT to blow spit bubbles.
he's still a really good sleeper although he afternoon naps aren't nearly what they used to be. although, he ends up going to bed around 9 or 9:30 each nite. one nite, he was so tired that we put him to bed just after 8 and he still didn't get up until 7am. most mornings he is up around 6:30 or 7 with only an occasional nite that we have to get up and shove his binky back in his mouth. usually shortly after waking up he ends up going right back to sleep for his morning nap for a few hours. the afternoon used to be a good several hours but now seems to be just several cat naps. he still will only fall asleep if he's in his swing or swaddled. it's nice knowing he has that routine. that once he eats his last bottle and is swaddled he just knows it's time for bed. but it's also annoying. he can wiggle out of it and then ends up crying until we swaddle him back up again. i would have thought he would have been out of this stage long ago.
he continues to roll over from his stomach to his back whenever he feels like it. it's not often, but it does happen. he hasn't quite made it from his back to his stomach yet but he has come very close. several times i thought he had done it, only to watch him roll back over. that darn arm just gets in the way sometimes. but i can't imagine it will be too much longer.
dave and i just took a trip to chicago for the 3 day music festival, lollapalooza, which we go to every year. kids get in free and they have a whole kids setup that is super cool. but we left them with grandma and grandpa. so it was talan's first time away from us. from what i hear, he did pretty well. it's really not him i worry about though.... and we did just fine too. i'm just glad he didn't go and roll over or do some other genius type of thing to make me feel bad that i missed it. nothing like giving him the middle child syndrome already, and he's not even a middle child yet.
so life has been great these past 4 months and we've decided we're definitely going to keep him. happy 4 months, talan cash!

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