Sunday, August 12, 2007

new photos

so after days, if not weeks, of watching talan almost roll over from his back to his stomach he finally did it today. and i wasn't there. i've had a video camera on him some days, my camera out on others, and today i was in the basement. he was in the living room with hayden and i ran downstairs to check my emails. i came back up to find him laying on his stomach. so of course the first thing i do is look at hayden and say "did you roll your brother over?" he looked confused and said "no" then looked at talan and realized he was on his stomach and started yelling "he did it all by himself!" so yes. it appears that talan rolled over all by himself with absolutely no fanfare.
talan will be taking his first trip to the zoo tomorrow, so pictures will be posted of that outing soon. for now, here are some pictures of what went on this past week:

i walked into the living room to find talan under about 6 blankets. he didn't see to mind though:

the next day he was sitting in his bumbo seat and was then covered in 2 blankets. this time he seemed to mind a little more:
then, on friday nite while eating dinner, talan decided that he didn't need to be in the swing or be swaddled to fall asleep. he just went ahead and took his nap in his bumbo chair on the kitchen table surrounded by a mexican feast:

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