Tuesday, November 6, 2007

corn and sweet poatoes together at last

we are finally picking up speed and moving quickly through the vegetable family. a few days ago talan was given sweet potatoes. he seemed to love them. i think he's finally getting the hang of eating normal food that doesn't come out of a bottle because for the past week he's eagerly eaten a jar at a sitting of vegetables. i was thinking it was just the sweet potatoes that he loved but then i found he's eaten the same way when given peas and carrots.
after no allergic outbreaks i decided this evening to move him on to the last vegetable we have. corn combined with sweet potatoes. for whatever reason they don't just have corn. it's corn and sweet potatoes. together. ok. whatever. we know he's not allergic to the sweet potatoes so if an outbreak happens, we know to blame it on the corn. he quickly went through yet another jar this evening. after a few days we'll finally be moving on to either fruits or meats. i can't decide. i want to do everything in my power to make sure he's a much better eater when he gets older than hayden is. but hayden loved his baby food. even the meat. so, who knows.
so here they are. more pictures of him trying foods for the first time that look like all the other pictures i've posted of him eating different foods for the first time.

so happy for the sweet potatoes:

moving on to corn with sweet potatoes:
i have no idea what's up with his hair this evening:
he got tired of me taking pictures and having to wait to be fed so he took it upon himself. too bad he had the wrong end in his mouth:

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