Wednesday, November 28, 2007

and so it begins

they say having a baby changes your life. and i guess it does, but when you have a second one, it doesn't seem to change as much since you're already used to not being able to go out much without dragging a kid around. of course when there is a larger age difference, you have to get used to someone depending on you for everything once again, but that doesn't even seem that bad.
now, almost 8 months later, is when my life is changing. talan is now getting around. i now not only have one child i have to say "no" to, i now have two.
talan discovered on monday that he could get himself from one end of the room to the other by scooting himself along using mostly his upper body strength. while i was washing bottles out yesterday morning i heard a crash. dave went out to see what it was and found that talan had scooted across the room and wound up by the tall candle stick holders with the big fat candles sitting on top of them. and he managed to pull the tallest one down. i think it must have barely missed him as he didn't make a sound. although, he could just be like his big brother and not really care about pain. so now, every time we put him down, he remembers how cool those candles are and he heads right for them.
i try not to "baby proof" my house too much because i like them to learn from their mistakes. like, realizing that EVERY TIME they stick their finger in an electrical outlet, they will be shocked. and, if you drink poison, we will have to call an ambulance every time. or maybe i just try to make them understand that every house isn't going to have a baby where they put everything away to keep them out of trouble. so they need to get used to the word "no" and the fact that certain things should not be touched. it can be a lot of work for me, but in the long run, it works. well, at least it did for hayden, and usually things like that don't work on that kid, so i'm swearing by it.
so yes. here is the video of him getting around. he's so determined that he doesn't even realize he crawled right out of his pants. does anyone make baby belts?! if not, i'm starting and i'm gonna make a fortune.

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