Thursday, November 22, 2007

a vegetarian?!

it appears as though talan is a vegetarian in the truest sense of the word. we moved him on to eating fruits and he really doesn't like them. doctor's tell you to start babies on vegetables first so they don't get addicted to the sweet fruit and then won't take veggies. not this guy. he's had banana's, peaches and applesauce now and he turns his lip up at 2 of the 3. for whatever reason he has decided that applesauce is ok. i'll feed him a jar of veggies and he'll cry for more so i'll pull out a jar of fruit. suddenly his mouth closes up and you can't pry the thing open with a crowbar. i keep trying but it doesn't seem to get any better. this evening he ate about 5 spoonfuls of banana's, pretty much making a "this is the most disgusting thing i've ever had" face with every single bite. we really aren't sure where he came from cuz nobody in this house really likes vegetables at all. not sure where he's gonna eat when he gets older and the jarred food just won't cut it anymore.


the first attempt at applesauce when he thought he didn't like it:
so he decided to play with it instead:

the good news is, as you can tell by the applesauce photos, we finally got off our lazy butt's and cleaned the highchair off and brought it upstairs. so now there is no danger of him throwing himself backwards and out of his recalled bumbo seat. phew.

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