Saturday, December 8, 2007

and yet another trip to providence southfield

as reported in an earlier blog, talan has a cyst in his eye socket. his dr. told us that he would need to have it removed at some point by plastics but due to his age, they usually wait. she told us we should make an appointment to see them so that they can take a look at it and know how quickly it may be growing from this appointment to the next.
because our deductible has been met this year, i got him in for an appointment right away as 2008 is almost here. the dr. came in and right away said what our dr. said. it's a dermoid cyst. he tried to explain what exactly a dermoid cyst is and told me that basically it is a "mistake" that forms during development. he then proceeded to say "i don't want to scare you. i mean, it isn't serious. well, no. it isn't DANGEROUS." he told me that the cyst could be connected to the tissues surrounding the brain. he would need a cat scan in order to determine if this is case or not. if it is not connected to the tissues, they would easily be able to remove it. if it is connected, they will have to come up with a slightly different approach to removing it.
he let me know that it is not cancer, nor will it ever be cancer. he also said that they don't really have a certain age that they wait for in order to remove it, but they aren't in any real rush either. he said we should have the cat scan done in order to find out just what we are up against. then we can sit down and come up with our plan of attack.
a cat scan for us is no big deal, but for a baby it is a slightly bigger deal. we needed to have several departments coordinate their schedules as talan is going to need to be put under. so once everyone coordinated, they called and told us he was set up for the cat scan on wednesday, december 12 at 8am in southfield.
yeah! that means we get to leave the house by about 7:15 unless they tell us that we need to be there even earlier. so on wednesday we'll be headed back to providence southfield. i guess he's been missing the place since he hasn't been there since he was 6 weeks old when he had pneumonia.
i'm not really worried right now. i understand it's not life threatening, but of course it's never fun to hear your 8 month old's cyst may be connected to brain tissue. right now it's most upsetting to think about our happy little baby having to be put under for the cat scan. this kid has had it all done to him!
so that's where we're at right now. we'll have the cat scan and then wait to hear what the dr. has to say. at this point, i'm guessing they won't be able to remove it before 2008, so that will just mean our deductible will most likely be met another year when that happens.
we'll keep you posted.

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