Monday, December 10, 2007

8 months

i'm sure i say it in every month blog, but i honestly can't believe talan is 8 months old already.
talan has gone through all of his vegetables and fruits and has now made it on to turkey and chicken. no allergic reactions, just a distaste for fruits. he will usually take them, but only if you feed them to him first. he typically will eat about 2 jars for lunch and dinner. so you need to feed him a jar of fruit and then the jar of vegetables. if you do it the other way around, you'll never get him to eat the fruit. even then, there are still times he makes horrible faces and refuses to eat them. applesauce seems to be his favorite out of the fruits with bananas and peaches giving him the hardest time. the turkey and chicken have gone down no problem either.
we have recently tried giving him a few solid foods as well. i guess dave gave him an animal cracker one day WITHOUT TAKING PICTURES and i did the same about a week later, this time with a camera of course. he will gnaw at them until they pretty much fall apart. we tried giving him some fruit puffs but he made a face like "this is the worst thing in the world" so i bought him some vegetable puffs to try instead. he also didn't care for them. i tried one of the biter biscuits this evening and after gnawing on it for a few he then just decided to slam it on his highchair tray.
i actually am not even sure when you are supposed to give them solid food like that. but i realized this evening that he just isn't ready for solid food. then i read the biter biscuit box and saw that it said to give to a child 10+ months and that crawls with his belly up off the floor. yeah, we'll try again later i guess.
the one thing he does love to eat is paper. anytime he sees paper he heads straight for it. he's probably eaten at least 3 little pieces so far. i've turned coupons in with corners chewed off and had christmas cards with a little bite taken out of them. in hayden's room, he finds every little piece of paper anywhere on his floor. christmas could just be his favorite holiday if only for the fact that there will be paper EVERYWHERE!!!! yum. yum.
talan sits perfectly now and doesn't ever fall over unless he purposely does it. he now also scoots himself which is more or less crawling. he'll get up on his knees and rock but then just fall to his stomach and start crawling like a snake. this evening he made it from the living room all the way to the back of the house to hayden's bedroom. the gates need to be cleaned and brought upstairs right away! the pictures posted above? yeah, those were insanely impossible to get this evening. he can't sit still for a second. he just wanted to roll over and get to whatever else was going on. i can't imagine what the next few months pictures will turn out like!
his sleeping has gotten much better. he typically goes to bed around 8pm and still usually gets up around 11 or 11:30. sometimes you can just stick the binky back in his mouth and he'll fall back asleep, other times he must be fed. but then he typically won't get up until 5:30 or so. and after he eats then, he'll go back to sleep until well after 7...sometimes close to 9.
he doesn't need to be swaddled anymore at nite, but i still swaddle his legs during naps. he usually takes a morning nap for a couple of hours and then his afternoon nap from about 1-3. i would certainly like him to sleep from 8-7 at nite, but it's not as bad as it was.
he still loves his jumper in the basement and goes in it almost every day when dave comes home from work. hayden likes to entertain him by falling down or throwing things at himself to make talan crack up. they still really love each other, although hayden doesn't like the fact that talan can now get around and get to his stuff. he's not so big on sharing.
talan has rediscovered his tongue and loves to stick it out and do cute little baby tongue tricks with it. he also has been smacking his lips to make funny little noises. hayden thinks this is hilarious, and i can't really disagree.
he doesn't wave so much on command anymore, but he claps all the time. he'll also shake his head "no" at you when prompted. i'm trying to teach him "yes" but that's not working so well right now.
talan is still a super happy baby and doesn't have any problems leaving my sight or going to other people. i'm hoping this continues, as hayden was always the same way. it sure makes things easier.
he seems to be "turning the corner" as dave said, in the weight department. hayden was a super chunk and we think talan is starting to become that way. you can see in pictures that the two of them are just built differently, but talan's face is getting chunkier and his legs are super solid tree stumps as well. it'll be interesting to see where is weight is at the next time he goes in.
he's headed in for a cat scan to check out his cyst on wednesday so that's the biggest thing he has going on right now. they will be able to let us know if the cyst is connected to the brain tissues or not.
we visited santa on friday and as we figured, talan did great. he is a grabber though. the second i pick him up, he grabs my hair and won't let go. so i placed him in santa's lap, turn my back to walk over near the camera, and when i turn back around i notice santa desperately trying to get his beard free from talan's death grip. once he was freed everything went well. he wasn't in a very smiley mood, but he was ok to sit there (well, squirm there i guess you could say).
we're so excited for talan's first christmas. hayden was 5 days from being a year old for his first, as rainah will be this year. so it will be a little different having a slightly younger one. good thing we have hayden to help us open all of talan's presents!
happy 8 months, talan!

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