Tuesday, December 11, 2007

surprise! he got sick

the other day i posted about how talan would be going in for a cat scan on wednesday, which would be tomorrow. so yesterday afternoon someone from providence calls me to ask me all of these questions and inform me that we need to be there by 7AM and he cannot eat anything past midnite. yeah, that's going to go well.
so she asks me if he's had a cold recently. well, no. but his brother has one and we're crossing our fingers he doesn't pick it up before tomorrow.
then i put him to bed and he suddenly couldn't breath. snot was pouring out of his nose and he couldn't get comfortable or get any kind of good sleep. wonderful. he needed to stay well just one more day and he couldn't even do that.
so i was making phone calls all morning trying to figure out if he was still allowed to go in with a cold. for whatever reason, nobody could really answer my questions. i was passed from department to department until i was finally told it would be best if i rescheduled because if he coughed or sneezed and moved we'd have to do it all over again anyway. then came the hundred and two phone calls in order to reschedule the appointment. another thing nobody could help me with.
i finally got to the right person and they rescheduled our appointment for next friday, the 21st at 8am. which again means no eating after midnite and be there by 7am. awesome. hopefully by then this cold will pretty much be gone and no new illnesses will attack.
this afternoon we went to the pediatrician for hayden's 5 year check up. so i asked her really quickly about the cyst. she said that looking at it she was sure it was just a dermoid cyst. so i told her the plastic surgeon said the same thing but that it could be attached to the tissue surrounding the brain. she told me that sometimes it can be attached to the bone, so in order to remove it, a neurosurgeon would be there as well. but then she went on to say that only about 90% of dermoid cysts are attached to the bone like that. she said that she has probably only seen 1 in the past 12 years and she would be pretty surprised if she had just seen another. however, it is talan, so neither of us would be THAT surprised.
so yeah. things were cleared up a little bit more with her explanation. it seems like the chances are pretty slim that it is attached to anything but they need the cat scan to make sure.
so there's the update. we'll let you know how things go next friday. if we make it there, that is.

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