Friday, December 21, 2007

cat scan

today we went in to providence hospital to have the cat scan done on talan's dermoid cyst. he still had the slight cold that delayed the procedure by a week but he was good enough to have it done. wednesday evening hayden came down with a fever and all i could think was that talan would have it before we made it in today. but he didn't!
i woke talan up at about 11:45pm last nite in order to get him to fill his stomach up since he wouldn't be able to eat after midnite. he took pretty much the whole 8 ounce bottle and went right back to sleep. i actually don't think he really ever woke up in the first place. he woke up this morning at about 5am and cried until we got him out of bed at a little after 6am. my mom was able to hold him and play with him and make him stop crying which i didn't think would happen. i figured he'd be screaming until he was knocked out or he got a bottle in his mouth.
we left the house at about 6:40am and he ended up falling asleep on the car ride there. he woke up a bit after getting there but was still really good. we sat in the waiting area waiting to be taken in for "surgery" for awhile and eventually he fell back asleep.
the drug doctor's came in to get us and explained just what they were going to do. we were allowed to go down to the cat scan room with him and i was even allowed to hold him while they stuck his leg. i passed him over to the dr.'s and then they let us wait just outside the room. they didn't get him in there until about 8:50, so almost an hour late. but they were back out about 10 minutes later and he was already starting to wake up a bit. they said the last few shots he started moving a bit but the pictures came out clear so it was all good.
they had to put an iv in him because the dr. wanted the cat scan "with contrast" so they needed the dye in him. if he didn't need the iv, they said it would have been even quicker and easier.
they brought us up to the recovery room where a nurse sat with us while he was waking up. he was totally out of it, but after a while he started moving more and more. he very slowly ended up taking about 5 ounces of his bottle and the nurse released us probably a little after 10:30am.
the nurse told us we should call the plastic surgeon and see if maybe we could get a rush on things and try to get the cyst removed before the new year since our deductible has been met for 2007. she said they most likely would be able to do it. unfortunately, when i got home and made the call, i found out that his dr. is out of the office until january 3, so that's just not a possibility. it's ok since it would have been a major rush to have christmas, rainah's 1st birthday, hayden's 5th birthday and a surgery on top of it. but it would have been nice not to have to worry about it or the cost of it!
we left the hospital and headed to my parents to pick hayden up and then we headed home. i was expecting a "low key" day with talan being groggy and tired most of the day. not long after getting home, talan started crawling under the christmas tree and crawling towards all the things he shouldn't be touching. so much for a low key day.
he did end up finally going down for his afternoon nap and slept for quite awhile. he's now upstairs crawling around acting like every other day. i really breed tough boys.
of course, i couldn't leave my camera behind. so now poor talan has to live with photo's of himself in a half awake state. i'm sorry talan. that's what happens when you have a mom that blogs.
thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. they certainly helped! i was sure we'd go in there with a screaming baby, but instead, he charmed all of the dr.'s and nurses the way he charms people every other day of the week.
by the way, they weighed him when we first got there and was was 19 pounds 8 ounces. not too bad, but hayden still had him beat. at 9 months hayden was 21 pounds 3.5 ounces. i don't think talan will be gaining that much in the next couple of weeks! although, it is christmas.

waiting to be taken in. the next time he wakes up in the middle of the nite, no way am i getting him. look at how pleasant he is and he hadn't eaten in about 8 hours!:

talan just out of the cat scan:
dazed and confused:

waking up a bit more and finally able to eat a bit:

what are these things and how do i get them off?!:

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